Divine Interception

Welcome to a published nexus in the celestial ether. Whether what you are about to read is true or not isn't really the question. All stories are true. What matters is the degree you decide to believe in them.

Location: Limbo, Canada

Obviously, something has gone horribly wrong.

Mar 11, 2005

To the young girl with the purple and black mohawk

Message: March 11th, 2005
To the young punky looking girl with the purple and black mohawk, and two nose studs, one with a small chain.

Leave it all behind. There's a reason you left to be on your own, keep following your instincts. Your new friends are a mixed bunch, some are good and some are neutral. The tallish fellow with the broad shoulders seems to be your best match. He really does care for you. It won't last forever, but then again, what does?

Work that anger out. You're probably in what, your very early twenties? A lot of that rage was taught to you, it's not real in and if itself. Get the blood flowing, the body moving, and save your thinkings about the world until you are nearly exhausted. No one's saying you have to change your image, but change will begin to occur over times as your attitudes and beliefs begin to mellow and mature, and your image will naturally follow.

The message here is mixed: You can only be true to yourself by giving it up. The temptation will be to shy away and discourage certain things based on what you think you should or would like. But you've lived your life under a constant stream of thought that does not suit you and will not work out for you. Many of the things you believe you want in life are not the things you really need. Your message comes as a warning to not fall into the trap of thinking you have been keeping yourself open to new experiences simply because you have followed an alternative crowd. The soft and gentle, and hard and dischordant; all these things have something to offer in terms of shaping your perspective into a brilliant and strength filled being. Try everything - keep what works, let go of what doesn't. Look for the hard work that soothes you, your fire is meant to burn bright and stay well fueled. Your task comes in less than fourteen years, be prepared.


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