To the Girl with a Saddened Smile:
I'm sorry, I have few words of comfort. You very nearly died you know, more than merely close. And now a piece of that lives inside of you. It must be hard, I would think, when men turn away for reasons they can't describe. And those that would stay, at least so far, are nothing like you.
There is something that happens to those who have walked along the brink, they come back changed. There are auras that shine, those that seem to run along the surface of the skin, there are lights that shine behind bright eyes and friendly smiles, there are states of mind and body that bring an extra layer of solidarity to the flesh. And there are those that are anti-lights, twisting skeins of oily black tendrils that creep and wave beneath the skin. There are those who are disconnected, those that are twisted, and those that are broken and wounded. When a bad event occurs to a strong and healthy person, the body most often incorporates this experience. Even if the wound itself never fully heals, the body begins to grow around it and incorporate it into new growth. There are resonant auras created by this, you can see them spread through the mind and body as if there were strings attached to them - they all lead back to the root. If the damage occurs at a young age, the scar formed by this process becomes an intricate part of the psyche as a whole, at a later age the wound is set to the side. However, some special people seem to have the ability to take their wounds into themselves, and create something from it - perhaps a new sense of purpose, a keener understanding of human nature, a kindness or perhaps a viciousness they have never felt before.
Sometimes the wound runs so deep, that even after you have piled layer upon layer of experience, it still festers, and the efforts of one's self is no longer enough to turn the tide of this spiritual infection. It rots just beneath the surface, and it is revealed with even the lightest of prods. Even though most people are not consciously aware of this, they still seem to sense these things on a subconscious level. It’s odd how the human mind can rationalize its feelings. Often these people will retreat from one so wounded, making up strange reasons, blowing things out of proportion, taking a stand on issues they only care lightly about. A mind feels discomfort at the things it does not understand, and it takes great pains to relieve this discomfort at the cost of almost all other things. The instinctive reaction for the majority will be to shy away from a person harboring this kind of pain.
There is still hope. There is a certain section of the population that cannot help but generate vast quantities of energy. So much so, that they have a strong inner drive to interact and relate with many, many different people in an attempt to rid themselves of this energy. And for a good reason - if it were to build up behind the walls of thier flesh it would become tangled and knotted, leading to all kinds of illnesses and cancers. To keep themselves in perfect working order, they must flow out always. To me, these people can be separated on sight into one of two categories: the Good, and the Twisted. (There are very, very few truly Evil people in the world, and all that I have met fall into the Broken, Misaligned or Disconnected categories- but I think this is something unrelated to the message at hand, so perhaps another day.)
The Good (and that is a loose term, believe me) are quite selfless. They enjoy helping other people, and are not in it, at least not directly, for thier own ends. Their reward is to see the world better off for thier presence in it. The Twisted are self-involved, and thier actions are centered directly on making thier own lives better. They will help you, but only so you will help them later, or to get the recognition for it. These two groups are very close in nature and design, and it can be exceedingly difficult to tell them apart. If you were to describe their actions to me, I would have a very hard time in telling which was which. On sight however, the Good glow and the Twisted carry thier mark, so it becomes very easy. The Good and the Twisted have fundamentally different life philosophies, and so thier natural state, thier expressions while alone, writes itself on thier faces and bodies over time. For a beginner, who can't consciously see the inner lights of those around them, I would suggest the following rule of thumb to distinguish these people: the Twisted smile with thier faces, the Good smile with thier eyes.
My sweet and wounded soul, you are in need of a Good person. Your wound has become infected; you can feel yourself dying from the inside out. It is only in the presence of a sustained outpouring of life and energy that you will be able to beat back the darkness and reclaim your body as your own. It will be hard; the Good will be wary of you, sensing that the energy they pour into you seems to vanish. Because this is very similar to the aural effects of the Twisted and Disconnected, it will no doubt raise some small alarm.
As such, your message is clear: Do your absolute best at being a good person in all things.
The people who can help you will be watching you, listening to you, hearing you, seeing what you do to those around you. They are watching to see what effects you have on those around you to make the distinction between a good person who is hurt, and a bad person who can smile. As they say, you can tell the nature of a tree by its fruit. This is why it is more important for you than ever to be willing to set aside petty things and inferior thoughts and emotions. Set aside that which is negative; anger, sorrow, frustration, impatience, spite, self-indulgence, and focus on those things which are inherently positive: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. It is a hard task, good requires focus and energy, both of which you have a hard time sustaining. You are already weakened; the effort will not come easy.
But to put it in blunt terms; if you do not do this, you will die a slow and terrible death. You will be consumed from the inside out and the light inside you will perish. Every action you make will become tainted with your infection of the soul, and even your closest friends will shy away from you. When your body passes, it will be an unremarked event, and those who know you well will think you are better off for it.
Or, you can listen, being watchful for those that are Good and surrounding yourself with them. When you have enough experience at doing good in all situations, it will come naturally. Until then, fake it. Once a Good person has seen you to the point of knowing you, they will be able to tell that you are not Disconnected, only very badly wounded. Good people like to help heal those around them, and will not mind soothing your spirit in this way. More likely than not, you will form a close, intimate bond with one of these people, and once your wound has closed and healed, you will be back to your own natural state, which is a naturally positive thing to be. You may always need a bit of attention in this way to keep from falling back into the abyss, but by and large you will live a happy and productive life, going forward with those who have helped you to in turn make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. Your heart will be light, and all your friends will think of you with great fondness. It is your choice to make. I would quite like to meet the person you could become, I hope you choose well.