Divine Interception

Welcome to a published nexus in the celestial ether. Whether what you are about to read is true or not isn't really the question. All stories are true. What matters is the degree you decide to believe in them.

Location: Limbo, Canada

Obviously, something has gone horribly wrong.

May 26, 2004

On Equality and the Politically Correct

If men and women were truly equal, we would all be called men. If all men were equal, we would have no word for boy, or leader. Political correctness is a vague yet prevalent evil, teaching us that somehow we are equal to those we know are somehow less or more than us. This prevents us from achieving true power, as we are slowly conditioned to believe it is not our place. Why do you think its called 'political' correctness? What is it within that technique that uniquely applies to politicians? If it was a process that was truly proper and worthwhile, wouldn’t it just be called 'correctness'? The term is equivalent to being 'almost-rightness'- as sad as it is, if you are almost right, you are still not right, and therefore must be incorrect. Obviously then, 'political incorrectness' would be a more apt term to describe this method of speech, however the term seems so redundant and so applicable to so many things, its definition is of no use to us. Begone ye foul linguistic emanation; never darken my door again.


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